Kettlebell Workout 2

Welcome to the second kettlebell workout. Below is a range of simple teaching points for you to follow, along with detailed videos demonstrating each exercise.

Mountain Climbers• Get into position on the floor on both hands and both feet.
• Engage you’re core muscles to maintain a straight back.
• Keep your shoulders forward over your wrists and hold your torso in place.
• Alternating sides, bring your knee into your chest and then back out again.
Kettlebell Swing• Stand tall with your feet shoulder width apart with soft knees.
• Tip from your hips and let the KB swing between your legs close to your body.
• Thrust your hips forward using your glutes and hamstrings to power the movement so that the KB swings up to eye height.
• Use your shoulders to control the movement but not to generate the main force.
• The bottom of the KB should be facing away from you.
Side Plank• Lie on the floor on your side legs and body in a straight line.
• Take your weight on your feet and one elbow.
• The elbow supporting your body weight needs to be under you shoulder.
• Engage your abs to support your body and to maintain hip height as you hold this position.
Squat & Press• Stand tall with your feet shoulders width apart.
• Hold a kettlebell into your chest.
• Keeping your back straight and chest up, bend your hips and knees and lower yourself into a squat position.
• As your stand up press the kettlebell up over your head so that your arms are straight.
Bring the kettlebell back down to your chest.
V-Sit Extend• Sit on the floor with your back straight and knees together with bent legs.
• Keep a straight back tip back and lift your feet off the floor.
• Engage your abdominals to keep your balance.
• Put your hands either across your chest or on the floor to help you keep balance.
• Extend your legs out in front of you and lean back.
• Bring your knees back into your chest and sit back up.
Rack Lunge• Stand tall with your feet hips width apart.
• Hold the kettlebell in your right hand, in the rack position, at shoulder height resting it on the back or your wrist.
• Step forward with your left leg and bent both knees to 90 degrees that your right knee is under your right hip and your left knee is over your left ankle.
• Step back out of the lunge, take the KB in your left hand and repeat on your right leg.
V-Sit Press• Sit on the floor, shoulders back with your back flat and abs braced.
• Keep your legs together and draw you knees into your chest with your feet close to your bottom.
• Pick your feet up off the floor and lean back, using your core to help you keep your balance.
• Hold the kettlebell in both hands and press it from your chest to straight up over your head.
• Return the KB back down to your chest.
• Keep your balance and your back straight at all times.
Squat & Press• Stand tall with your feet shoulders width apart.
• Hold a kettlebell into your chest.
• Keeping your back straight and chest up, bend your hips and knees and lower yourself into a squat position.
• As your stand up press the kettlebell up over your head so that your arms are straight.
• Bring the kettlebell back down to your chest.
V-Sit Row• Sit on the floor with your back straight and knees together with bent legs.
• Keep a straight back tip back and lift your feet off the floor.
• Engage your abdominals to keep your balance.
• Keep your hips facing forward and slowly twist your upper body from side to side.
Cleans• Stand with your feet shoulder width apart with a kettlebell in one hand.
• Bend at your hips and lower down into squat position with your back straight.
• Hold the KB so that it just touches the floor and your palm is facing out.
• Keep your back straight, drive up with your quads and glutes and pull the KB into your shoulder.